Raccoon attacking a Northern Flicker nest - Update

June 04, 2017  •  1 Comment

Never a pleasant thing to watch, but yet fascinating.  A raccoon was attempting to attack a Northern Flicker nest.  As far as I could determine, the raccoon was never successful.  I did not see him pull any chicks out of the nest, but not for a lack of trying.

Flicker defending the nestFlicker defending the nest

The flickers did everything they could to drive the raccoon away.

Flicker defending the nestFlicker defending the nest I thought that it was interesting that Crows entered the fray.  I not sure exactly why.

Flicker defending the nestFlicker defending the nest

Flicker defending their nestFlicker defending their nest I never saw any chicks pulled out of the nest, so the cavity must be quite deep.  To see more pictures from the day, click here: June 4, 2017

Update: I went back to the nest today, and the parents are showing up feeding (although the chicks must be very young, as I could not see them): 

June 5th, daddy feeding at the nestJune 5th, daddy feeding at the nest

Papa carried out a fecal pouch, so we know the chick are alive and pooping:

Male flicker carrying out a fecal sackMale flicker carrying out a fecal sack

Yea! Happy ending!


Great shot sequence, Nancy. Always a pleasure looking at your photos
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