Red-flanked Bluetail - her final days in Lake Forest Park

March 30, 2022  •  13 Comments

This little gem was first found in my yard on March 17th. She was likely here a lot longer than that. Once I figured out she was actually living in my yard, I set up a viewing area for the public. This worked out remarkably well, other than the fact that I had to spend days and days doing traffic control. There were several wonderful occasions where others offered to step in and help. I took one of those breaks to photograph the bird from my deck. I now had a better idea of where she might land. Her absolute favorite perch was a dead branch lying on the ground under the Forsythia. On occasion I caught her on different perches.  Each perch had its own charm. I also started experimenting with video. I first got a good sequence of her on her favorite perch branch. For days I had been trying to get a photo of the Bluetail in the birdbath. On her final day in my yard, I got my chance.  But the video of her is absolutely precious, but you will have to forgive my amateur cinamatography. The video of her in the birdbath had several wonderful moments. One was her shaking off the water, which I slowed up so that you can savor it. Little did I know that these would be some of my final shots of her. It is like she is waving goodbye and taking a bow.   My other favorite moment was a surreal shot of her leaving the birdbath.  This precious little bird is now making the journey of her life. She has to find her way to Siberia to meet up with the other Bluetails. This is a tough journey to make all on her own, and there is no way to determine if she makes it safely. But, she was fat and healthy from living in my yard, so I have every hope she will make it, find a mate, and have lots of chicks! Safe travels little one!


Nancy Hiraoka(non-registered)
Nancy, this last post about this sweet little wayward bird brought tears. Thank you so much for sharing her so graciously with others; it is an experience they will never forget! Sending much love to you!
Cheryl A. Huizinga(non-registered)
Great blog on your rare visitor. You kept her safe and fattened her up. Great job!
Stan Willey(non-registered)
Awesome, Nancy! I wasn’t able to make it over to see your beautiful little bird, but so appreciate how you shared her with all of us. You are a Superstar!
Jon. Anderson(non-registered)
Nancy, I can only re-state the thanks and appreciation of the birders who saw this glorious little lady due to your gracious and generous hospitality. She will always be known as "the Bluetail that was at Nancy's!"
Peggy Mundy(non-registered)
Thank you so much, Nancy, for being a fantastic host to the bluetail and the birders. Your yard is clearly a haven.
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