Second Sunny day all month

March 20, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Seattle has had a less than stellar month, even for Seattle.  March 19th was only the second sunny day all month.  We have broken all sorts of records for rainfall, cloud cover and many other parameters one does not normally have to think about.  So, if the sun comes out, we all go berzerk and run outside. I chose to go to the Ballard Locks to view the Great Blue Heron nests. It was late in the day nearing sunset.  The herons were very active, as were the Double-Crested Cormorants. The Herons have their rookery in trees by the locks, and the cormorants use the trees to roost at night.  There were all sorts of squabbles as sunset approached and roosting spots were at a premium. To see more pictures from my visit to the lock, here is the link: Ballard Locks Great Blue Heron coming in for a landing, and a double-crested cormorant trying to stop himGreat Blue Heron coming in for a landing, and a double-crested cormorant trying to stop himGreat Blue Heron coming in for a landing, and a double-crested cormorant trying to stop him It was a very windy day (did I mention that Seattle has been getting a lot of wind in addition to all the rain?), so it was very amusing to see the herons having a bad hair day:  Great Blue Heron on a windy dayGreat Blue Heron on a windy dayGreat Blue Heron on a windy day There was also a very large flock on Barrow's Goldeneyes at the locks.  It was low tide, so we were able to get right down to the water to photograph them at close range.  The sun was getting very low at that point, so they were in the shadows a lot.  There was a bit of the courtship behavior going on, and lots of feeding on the shellfish. Barrow's Goldeneye trying to attract a mateBarrow's Goldeneye trying to attract a mateMale Barrow's Goldeneye trying to woo the females. I loved how the color of their heads changed dramatically depending on the light: Barrow's GoldeneyeBarrow's GoldeneyeBarrow's Goldeneye feeding on muscles.


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