It was a hoot to shoot coots

February 09, 2017  •  1 Comment

Last June we found a pond in the Seattle area with numerous coot families.  We went primarily to photograph the coot chicks, but we were unprepared for the amazing show that the coot daddies would put on.  There is a lot of bluff and bluster, and no one got hurt, but the display was quite entertaining. Step one is that all the daddies would swim out from their respective nesting sites.  They would swim in circles displaying the white spots on their rumps, then tussle with each other, then swim back to their respective nest locations.  Pretty funny to watch. Coot males fighting for territoryCoot males fighting for territory Coot males fighting for territoryCoot males fighting for territory


Michelle Linafelter(non-registered)
I'll bet this was a hoot to shoot. Your site looks great. Glad you got the assistance you needed.
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