My new photographic tool - a kayak!

October 24, 2017  •  1 Comment

I have been wanting to get a boat of some kind to get me out onto the water.  It had to be light, stable and easily maneuverable.  I ended up with a very inexpensive Kayak (Pelican Trailblazer, $200). I went out yesterday for the first time to just test it out.  Today was my first day with the camera.  It was calm and clear at 7 am when I set out from Logboom Park in Kenmore.  The wind picked up a bit as the morning progressed, but never got to the point of being problematic.  In two hours I saw at least 10 species of birds. I had set out before sunrise, so it was a while til I could get decent shots.

My first Canvasbacks and Bufflehead of the year.

Canvasbacks and Bufflehead hanging together right at sunriseCanvasbacks and Bufflehead hanging together right at sunrise I found a tree that appears to be a favorite kingfisher hangout.  I predict I will be spending a lot of time at this tree.

Belted KingfisherBelted Kingfisher The sun finally came up and the world started to look a whole lot brighter.

Sunrise in KenmoreSunrise in Kenmore My favorite catch of the day was a group of Western Grebes.  I have only photographed one before, and it was at quite a distance. These guys were pretty chill as I drifted around.   Western GrebeWestern Grebe Western GrebeWestern Grebe As I was paddling back to shore, I had to pass a cormorant hangout.  I got some pretty good shots of them posing and flying.

Double-Crested CormorantDouble-Crested Cormorant Double-Crested CormorantDouble-Crested Cormorant

As I approached my landing spot, a raft of Coots and Wigeons were there to greet me.

Coots and WigeonCoots and Wigeon It was a fantastic morning, and I look forward to many many more hours in that delightful kayak.

To see more photos from the day, click here: October 23, 2017


Jeanne Lamosse(non-registered)
Nancy, I’m so happy for you. I enjoy my virtual trip in your kayak through the waters. and loved seeing all the many beautiful birds and ducks. I’m that I don’t know their names but they are all so very beautiful thank you for sharing this with all of your friends. Thank you. Have fun on your next adventure!!!
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